Posts Tagged “Paul Theroux”

One of the greatest rewards of travel is the return home to the reassurance of family and old friends. Familiar sights and homely comforts and your own bed.

Paul Theroux

One of the greatest rewards of travel is the return home to the reassurance of family and old friends. Familiar sights and homely comforts and your own bed. - Paul Theroux
Travel quotes by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux

Follow the link if you would like to find more travel quotes from Paul Theroux. For more information, you can check out the author’s Wikipedia.

In the best travel, disconnection is a necessity.

Paul Theroux

In the best travel, disconnection is a necessity. - Paul Theroux
Travel quotes by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux

Follow the link if you would like to find more travel quotes from Paul Theroux. For more information, you can check out the author’s Wikipedia.

For me, the best sort of travel always involves a degree of trespasss. The risk is both a challenge and an invitation. Selling adventure seems to be a theme in the travel industry and trips have become trophies.

Paul Theroux

For me, the best sort of travel always involves a degree of trespasss. The risk is both a challenge and an invitation. Selling adventure seems to be a theme in the travel industry and trips have become trophies. - Paul Theroux
Travel quotes by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux

Follow the link if you would like to find more travel quotes from Paul Theroux. For more information, you can check out the author’s Wikipedia.

Concentrate on where you are; do no back-home business; take no assignments; remain incommunicado; be scarce.

Paul Theroux

Concentrate on where you are; do no back-home business; take no assignments; remain incommunicado; be scarce. - Paul Theroux
Travel quotes by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux

Follow the link if you would like to find more travel quotes from Paul Theroux. For more information, you can check out the author’s Wikipedia.

There is so often an experiment with time. . .

Paul Theroux

There is so often an experiment with time. In third world countries I felt like I had dropped into the past, and I never accepted the notion of timeless anywhere. Most countries had specific years. In Turkey, it was always 1952, in Malaysia 1937; Afghanistan 1910 and Bolivia 1949. It is twenty years ago in the Soviet Union, ten in Norway, and five in France. It was always last year in Australia and next week in Japan. Britain and the United States were the present – but the present contains the future. - Paul Theroux
Travel quotes by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux

Follow the link if you would like to find more travel quotes from Paul Theroux. For more information, you can check out the author’s Wikipedia.

Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.

Paul Theroux

Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going. - Paul Theroux
Travel quotes by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux

Follow the link if you would like to find more travel quotes from Paul Theroux. For more information, you can check out the author’s Wikipedia.

Travel is only glamorous in retrospect.

Paul Theroux

Travel is only glamorous in retrospect. - Paul Theroux
Travel quotes by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux

Follow the link if you would like to find more travel quotes from Paul Theroux. For more information, you can check out the author’s Wikipedia.

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